Importing New Reports

From time to time, new reports can become available through the Report Writer module (payroll only, not HR3pay Lite) or custom designed by the HR3 team following a specific request.

Custom Reports

In order to import a custom report file it must have a .WLT extension. Usually a new report will be supplied to you via email attachment. You need to save the file with a .WLT extension. The import process is then achieved using the Report Transfer Wizard, as described in the following steps.

New or Updated Standard Reports

New reports, or reports that have been updated, could be emailed to you and therefore the same rules as 'Custom Reports' apply. However these reports will also be made available by choosing the Import from Web option from the Report Transfer Wizard.

Importing a Report:

In Report Explorer click the Import button on the toolbar.

Importing a Custom Report File:

  1. Select the Import option, then click Next.
  2. For the Filename Location click Browse to locate the file, then click Open.
  3. In the wizard screen, the filename location shows the report to be imported. Click Next to proceed.

    Note: if you click Back at this point it returns to the first page of the transfer wizard. If you have selected the wrong file for importing, we recommend that you cancel the process and click the Import button again.
  1. The next step of the wizard will list the selected report which is contained within the import file. Select the report name in the white area then click Save All.
  2. If a report already exists with the same name as the report you are importing, you will be asked if you wish to overwrite the existing report. Click Yes to overwrite the existing report or click No to save the report with a new name.
  3. The report should disappear from the window. Click OK to complete the wizard.
  4. In Report Explorer, you should now find the imported report in the User Reports folder. (If not, you may need to refresh the display: view a different report folder, then return to User Reports.)

Importing a New/Updated Standard Report

  1. Once the Report Transfer Wizard window is open, select Import from the Web, then click Next.
  2. Locate the required report from the displayed list of report updates, then either click on the associated Date to the left, or click the download button to the right: Download Button
  3. The next window indicates that the Import process has loaded the report selected.
    Note that if this is not the report you required, you may select the report name, click Delete All to remove the selection, then click OK to close the Report Transfer Wizard window.
  4. If you wish to make any changes to the selected report, right click on the report name and choose Properties from the pop-up menu. In the Details tab add or change properties as required (such as adding a Description). In the Splitting tab, you may enable PDF splitting for this report, and then specify the specifics of the splitting. (See Split Options for more information on this function.)
  5. When you are ready to import the report, click Save All. This will either overwrite an existing report if it has the same name, or will add the report to the list of available reports.
  6. Click OK to close the Report Transfer Wizard.

Note: A file import can also be achieved by going to Navigator | Tools | Import - this will open the Select an Import File window in which you locate the .wlt file for import.

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